Spring Blooms Intuitive Painting Class
Learn to let your intuition guide the painting process as you create two 16X20 paintings in this six hour class.
Learn to let your intuition guide the painting process as you create two 16X20 paintings in this six hour class.
Learn to let your intuition guide the painting process as you create two 16X20 paintings in this six hour class. You will explore a variety of acrylic painting techniques to layer colors, shapes, and patterns onto your canvas.
Learn to let your intuition guide the painting process as your create two vibrant 16X20 acrylic paintings in this 6 hour class. You will explore a variety of acrylic painting techniques to layer colors, shapes, and patterns onto your canvas. Canvas provided. Please bring your favorite brushes and acrylic paints. Some paints will be available. No experience necessary. Light refreshments and snacks provided.
Body Mind & Sol Yoga
105 Jackson Street
Berea, KY